Scaling Pedagogical Knowledge and Practice
Providing efficient and effective support to teachers and faculty in significantly improving facilitation and delivery of learning experiences.
Silver Medal
Vigilo When Time Matters
User: K-12, higher education, adult/lifelong learner
Goals: Increasing learning outcomes through the flow of secure, high-quality data
Challenge: Lack of data utilization and sharing; how to ensure data integrity, confidentiality, and availability of hugh amounts of data (and legacy data) exchanged between digital learning systems.
Solution: Organizing data in line with the OneRoster standard and presenting easy-to-understand, precise, and real-time outcome data relevant for any user.
Learning Impact: Vigilo gives decision-makers vast amounts of structured data with which they can “zoom in” to look at specific variables in one unit or “zoom-out” to get the big picture and base their decisions regarding performance on nuanced, accurate, and current information.
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Digital Hands-on Lab Bytes with XtremeLabs
XtremeLabs and Mesa Community College
User: Higher education, lifelong learner
Goals: Improve technology training (make it easy) and accommodate the constantly changing and complex technology environment so that students acquire the latest knowledge and be able to convert it into usable skills.
Challenge: The Skills Gap is making businesses less competitive and negatively impacting the career prospects of workers. The prevailing technology education training model does not demonstrate to employers that workers have the necessary skills. It also isn't keeping up with the pace of technology change.
Solution: Workforce development and assessment tool that segments/chunks learning to make them more consumable by the student while maintaining continuity; integrated with the LMS using LTI.
Learning Impact: The modular nature of the labs permits students to progressively learn each topic until achieving mastery. All students who complete the labs consistently achieve a high degree of success in their learning which is reflected in their overall course grade.
Faculty Institute on Teaching (FIT)
Concentric Sky & MaxKnowledge and Kentucky Community and Technical College System
User: Educators/lifelong learner
Goals: Ease the transition from industry expert to faculty member.
Challenge: Community colleges often hire industry experts as faculty who may not have the foundational knowledge and skills needed to navigate, run, and manage an in-person, hybrid, or online classroom.
Solution: Curriculum established using content created by faculty for faculty using competency-based education (CBE) principles and digital badges are awarded for the proficiency of learned skills.
Learning Impact: The FIT pilot students (faculty) completed a midpoint survey (77% return rate) and initial results show positive results in the efforts to provide new faculty the knowledge and skills they need to be successful in the classroom. It was reported by 87.5% of participants that they utilize strategies learned in FIT in their current courses. And 75% reported their knowledge of teaching in a technical program has been enhanced by participating. Over 95% of participants indicate they gained knowledge and skills that will be implemented in future courses.
Hylable for Visualization of Online Group Discussions
IMS Japan Society Learning Impact Award Winner
Hylable Inc.
User: K-12, higher education, lifelong learner
Goals: Make online group discussions effective for both students and teachers by providing an unprecedented way of looking at multiple simultaneous discussions.
Challenge: Online education tends to be non-interactive/one-way; learners and educators are isolated; the lack of feedback in online group discussions makes it difficult for students to use and improve their metacognitive skills.
Solution: A browser-based solution that quantifies and visualizes online group discussions in real-time.
Learning Impact: In one year, the tool visualized over 20,000 face-to-face discussions ranging from K-12 to graduate students to company employees. Students are able to change their behavior based on their own metacognition. Educators can overview multiple groups in the dashboard to intervene in a timely manner. The visualizations, which are updated every 5-10 seconds, show aggregated data for an individual learner over time and comparisons to average participant activity over time.
Learning by Evaluating (LbE) through Adaptive Comparative Judgment
RM Education Ltd. and Purdue University
User: Higher education
Goals: Improve design thinking; facilitate learning and formative assessment experiences in a way that can be deployed at scale
Challenge: Traditional efforts around improving student learning and assessment often center on the teacher as the evaluator rather than the students themselves. Typically, the focus is on measuring learning rather than stimulating or promoting learning.
Solution: Research focused on a student-centered approach referred to as “Learning by Evaluating (LbE)” led by Purdue University, Indiana, in close partnership with UK-based educational technology provider RM Education.
Learning Impact: The sample for the project was a group of ~550 undergraduate students enrolled in the same course, where half of the group had the opportunity to evaluate prior cohort work using RM Compare as a primer to their assignment, whereas the other half did not. By engaging the first group with a short (10-minute) intervention, it was found that they developed a stronger understanding of "what good looks like" and significantly improved their attainment of "good" by applying what they learned.
Professional Development for Lawyers in Australia using LTI
Vidversity and The College of Law (Australia)
User: professional/lifelong learner
Goals: Provide online continuing professional development—that meets governing rules—to lawyers in Australia.
Challenge: All material must be interactive, current/easily updated, and secure.
Solution: Cloud-based platform for the fast creation of interactive, accessible video-based learning content; uses the LTI standard for seamless delivery.
Learning Impact: Over 5,000 lawyers have accessed the content across Australia using this solution. Turn around from the time of filming to editing to going live is approximately 48 hours, which means the content has a much longer shelf-life. 70% of the College's content is created using Vidversity.
Transforming Teacher Training for Online English as a Second Language Lessons
Off2Class and Bridge Education Group
User: K-12, educators/lifelong learning
Goals: Providing focused and extensive training to teachers to develop the skills to teach online.
Challenge: Developing an online teaching workforce that can operate in diverse environments with students from varying backgrounds and ability levels.
Solution: Prior to COVID, in 2019, seeing the trend to online teaching, Bridge Education Group launched a comprehensive, four-course training program in Teaching English online—incorporating hands-on training on a well-established online teaching platform. Off2Class content is designed for screen-enabled classrooms.
Learning Impact: Prepares teachers to master their online teaching and technology skills, thereby lowering institutional training costs associated with helping teachers get "online ready." When using the Off2Class teacher toolkit, teachers have access to state-of-the-art, adaptive technology and tools that allow them to develop and hone their teaching skills while helping students reach their English language goals.
Vietnam Forward
The Dariu Foundation
User: K-12
Goals: Support the continuity of learning through "always on, always connected" PCs; promote foundational STEM education; and train-the-teacher/trainer programs.
Challenge: In many rural schools, there are no computers for students to learn basic digital skills.
Solution: By making educational devices more widely available, The Dariu Foundation partnering with Qualcomm equips primary and secondary-level students in Vietnam with the foundational digital skills to succeed in online and blended learning environments. The program also provides professional development for teachers and trains them to deliver in-class lessons.
Learning Impact: Students’ interest and engagement in STEM education topics typically improved by an average of 10 percentage points over the course of the intervention. Student test scores on ICT exams also typically improved by an average of 10 percentage points. Of teachers that complete training and feedback, 80% report improved confidence in teaching coding skills. 90% of students trained have achieved mastery in ICT. To date, 750,000 students have been trained and the plan is to reach 350,000 new students in 2021, 450,000 new students in 2022, and 500,000 in 2023.