We use a framework of forward-moving technology trends to assess and analyze the digital learning landscape.
Learning Impact Trend Framework
The purpose of this report is to take stock of where things stand with respect to the innovations that have come to the forefront through the awards process.
The Learning Impact Trend Categories identify and track leading-edge concepts—in some cases identified several years before they become mainstream. The Learning Impact Awards look for evidence that innovation is “crossing the chasm” into mainstream market adoption.
Currently, there are 17 trends grouped into three main categories.
IMS revises the framework when needed to reflect the complex and evolving edtech landscape.
Advancing Teaching & Learning Innovation
Advancing Learning Environment Infrastructure
Advancing Educational Insight, Attainment & Planning
2021 Themes
The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated trends that we've been seeing for years in the Learning Impact program.
- Providing support to teachers and faculty in significantly improving facilitation and delivery of learning experiences
- Evolving traditional educational delivery models, featuring seamless technology environment for teachers and students to support effective combinations of online, classroom, and in-context learning
Consistent access to a wide range of technologies and educational resources facilitates more equitable learning environments—a pervasive goal for learning institutions.
- Achieving scalable deployment of educational resources, tools, and services toward specific and measurable access, affordability, and quality objectives
- Implementing technology-based solutions that ensure accessibility and personalization for all students, especially those with physical and learning disabilities
Traditional educational models are yielding to competencies and skills-based frameworks to better prepare learners for entering today's workforce.
- Applications and processes to enable teaching, learning, and placement tied to explicit outcomes and achievements
- Applications to help students navigate their educational experience to improve success and outcomes-based workforce needs
- Leveraging solutions using digital microcredentials and learner records that can follow a learner from K-12 to career, recognizing experiences and achievements inside and outside of a formal education setting